Chris Y. (Concord, NC)

Chris Y. (Concord, NC)

Posted on

I cannot thank you enough for all you have done. You have aggressively approached my situation and I am very impressed with your ability to listen to the situation and make a decision based on individual situations. You look at all angles. You treat people like people. I am in pain and it is difficult enough without being treated like someone standing on the street corner doing something shady. I understand people are out there for the wrong reasons but it might be easy to put everyone into one category but you don’t and for that I am thankful. It is so difficult to convey pain especially when it is constant and nothing ever makes it go away. When you can provide some relief, words cannot express my gratitude for what you have done for me.

Your building is very nicely kept and very impressive. When you enter your desk person is always smiling and very friendly and willing to help. I have never had any Dr.’s assistant call the insurance company and see what is going on with my bill. Yours did! I wish I could remember all the names of the people on your staff but I cannot. Check-in is speedy and efficient. I have never had to wait an extreme amount of time. I have had to wait over 2 hours at other Dr’s office’s and never close to that amount with you. I am very impressed that you can spend all that quality time with your patients and be very close to right on schedule. This is a great compliment to you and your staff to run such an efficient and effective office.

When you are called back the person taking the BP, pulse and O2 sats is very professional. The treatment room is always clean and neat. It is also that way for procedure room. Being in the healthcare field, I wish the screen was in front so I could watch the procedure but I understand why it is not. I know most people would not want to but I am just like that (LOL).

I really and truly hope that no one is ever in a situation of constant pain but if they are I hope they find out about you. You have helped me more in the first few months with procedures and medication changes than anyone in the past 8 years (since my last surgery in 2003.) I have been at a pain clinic since mid 2003. I am glad my regular doctor recommended you and Carolina’s Pain center. If anyone ever has a need for a pain clinic I will be the first one to suggest Carolina’s Pain Center.