Michael P. (Huntersville, NC)

Michael P. (Huntersville, NC)

It’s been nearly seven years since my motorcycle accident. Since that accident there have been four surgeries (including spinal implants), eighteen spinal injections and more opiate prescriptions than I care to remember. Most important is the fact that I’ve been treated by five different pain physicians, with Dr. Shah being the fifth (and final).

I came to North Carolina 16 months ago and immediately I needed to locate a physician before my prescription for morphine ran out. For over six years morphine has been a priority for me. I started out on 200 mg’s a day and never went below 120 mg’s a day.
Without any intention of discrediting my prior physicians, only Dr. Shah addressed my most serious problem. Morphine addiction; there is no question about the fact that I still have pain. I will always have pain, but Dr. Shah decided to “treat the patient first”. Morphine, and like opiates, do much more than mask-the-pain, they cause patients to develop serious bouts of depression and other emotional problems. When your first priority is medication, everything else is second, everything.
It took Dr. Shah and I approximately 5 months to wean me from 120mg’s a day to Zero. Now it was time to treat my true level of pain. I was now at a level that could be managed with non-opiate pain relievers and NSAIDs.
As I mentioned in the beginning, I’ve had at least 18 spinal injections. Two of those were extremely painful. Excluding the last 3 injections, all of them were uncomfortable to say the least. Five physicians have injected me, and I can honestly say that Dr. Shah is absolutely the best at administering spinal injections. By the best, I mean minimal level of discomfort. The thought of having to have a needle injected in our spines raises a certain level of fear and hesitation in all of us. However, for me, those fears are no longer a concern. When and if, the time comes for me to receive another series of injections, over stressing will not be an issue.
Dr. Shah, I thank you so very much for looking deeper and treating me, not just my complaint.